Information about the Program

The classroom teaching program is an innovative, creative, ethical program that monitors and produces new educational technologies. Public and private schools that have developed values ​​and can establish effective communication and cooperation with their stakeholders. In order to train teachers, a department affiliated with the Department of Primary Education was established in 2001.Started to accept students as a teacher training undergraduate program in 2016.With the update structured, it was reorganized as the Department of Classroom Education under the name of the Department of Basic Education.3 Profs in the program. Dr., 2 Assoc. Prof., 1 Dr. Lecturer Member, 1 Res. See. Dr. and 1 Res. See. There are. 50 students are accepted into the program every year. Promotional information about the program It can be accessed from the link below.


Classroom Education USA, which became operational in the 2001-2002 academic year, started education with 100 students. In the 2003-2004 academic year, the evening education of the department started operating with 80 students.

Degree Earned


Admission Conditions

(1) High School Diploma, (2) Placement through a nationwide central student selection and placement exam organized by the Measurement, Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM). Candidates access the programs based on their composite scores consisting of central exam scores and high school GPA.

Transition to the Upper Level

Applications can be made to master’s or doctoral programs in any field.

Graduation Requirements

Students who successfully complete all courses in the program (equivalent to a total of 240 ECTS) and have a GPA of at least 2.00 out of 4.00 are eligible to graduate. Degree of Success Grade of Success Coefficient of Success Percentage Equivalent Excellent AA 4.0 90 – 100 Very Good BA 3.5 85 – 89 Good BB 3.0 75 – 84 Average CB 2.5 70 – 74 Pass CC 2.0 60 –69 Conditionally Pass DC 1.5 50 – 59 Fail FF 0.0 49 and six

Graduate Employment Opportunities

Graduated students can work as classroom teachers in public and private primary schools.

Quantification and Consideration

Courses ECTS Credits

Degree of Success Success Grade Success Coefficient Percentage Equivalent

Excellent AA 4 90-100

Okay BA 3.5 85-89

Good BB 3 75-84

Medium CB 2.5 70-74

Pass CC 2 60-69

Conditionally passes DC 1.5 50-59

Failed FF 0.0 49 and below

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